Contract Law
Contract Law Advice
The drafting of a Contract is a vital part of business life. In a commercial career an entrepreneur is likely to sign hundreds of Contracts, yet even an experienced business person will benefit from legal advice.
When you are in a rush to close terms, amidst competition with rivals, even the smartest negotiator can overlook what can later become a vital point. Your Corporate Lawyer is the guarantee against easily made errors as well as being able to advise on the small details that non-lawyers are unlikely to identify.
Commercial Contracts
Every deal starts with the best of intentions on both sides of the Contract, but failure to agree appropriate business terms in advance can often lead to disputes that could have been avoided with the right advice from the outset.
Furthermore, as so much litigation involves Contract disputes, the courts are constantly creating important case law which may affect how terms in a Contract should be drafted. No business person can be expected to know the latest case law, but Corporate Lawyers will always be reviewing the latest cases to improve the service they offer clients.
Drafting Contracts
A Contract must be drafted to ensure that each party does what they have promised to do, and each term should be assessed to make sure that your objectives are properly met. A lawyer will also eliminate any ambiguity or omission from an agreement and point out any clauses which might place unwarranted restrictions on you or your business. Contract Lawyers can also advise on the termination or ending of a Contract.
An expert in drafting Contracts will have encountered numerous different types of deals and will understand that certain Contracts require special consideration. To ensure your interests are covered, and you receive the best advice, contact us today.
How Barnes Harrild & Dyer Solicitors can help
For further information and a free telephone consultation, call our Central London or Croydon offices today on 0208 681 5128 and speak to one of our senior lawyers.
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