Asset Protection
We are specialist estate planning solicitors within Croydon and Central London and have a strong reputation in assisting clients with protecting their assets during their lifetime and post-death. We offer competitive pricing and offer a bespoke estate planning service to all our clients.
Many clients are concerned about protecting their estate to ensure that all their assets will ultimately pass to their children or other chosen beneficiaries and cannot be eroded by any means either before or after their demise. The erosion could occur in many different ways. For example: if a spouse was to remarry in the future their assets and any inherited from a deceased spouse could pass to the new spouse rather than to the children of the family; there could also be post-death attempts to upset the terms of a Will by a disgruntled family member who is unhappy about the distribution of the deceased’s estate under the terms of their Will; or assets may pass to sons or daughters-in-law instead of blood relatives.
The use of a Trust structure for estate planning can solve all these problems and also give comfort to the clients who are concerned about the necessity to obtain a Grant of Probate following death and the cost and possible delay involved which can be avoided if a Trust is used. Another consequence of using this trust for estate planning purpose is that assets held within the Trust can be protected from the impact of long term care fees in certain circumstances.
How Barnes Harrild & Dyer Solicitors can help
For further information and a free telephone consultation, call our Central London or Croydon offices today on 0208 681 5128 and speak to one of our senior lawyers.
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