Credit where it’s due. In numerous claims and fresh claims for asylum for well over half a decade now, the firm of Barnes Harrild & Dyer has been presenting the Secretary of State for the Home Department with various reports by Professor Emile Joffé giving his expert opinion about the dangers awaiting Iranian nationals of Kurdish ethnicity on return to Iran. The Home Office has not lacked for consistency: again and again claims of this kind have been rejected.
BHD’s ground-breaking work in country guidance case recognised
Our ground breaking work in the country guidance case of HB (Kurds) Iran CG [2018] UKUT 00430 (IAC) has been recognised in an article written by counsel we instructed in that case Mr Rudolph Spurling.
The article gives recognition to our efforts and skilled work to have secures recognition for asylum seekers from Iran in this case:
Rudolph Spurling
You can read the full article on the Free Movement website.
Our Legal Services
We are an award-winning law firm specialising in immigration asylum and human rights law.